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Distinctive Feature

Bir Lachit Borphukan College is situated in the periphery of Sivasagar town. The town is famous for historical monuments but the inhabitants in the outskirts are economically backward and academically poor. There is less scope for farming as most of the villagers have sold their plot of land on account of poverty to the migrated service holders from far away areas. The rural poor have to become wage earners but lack of industry or farm have made them irregular bread earners. Some of the villagers have to opt for selling illegal liquor or some unfair means to earn their bread and butter. In the evenings, there had been an uncongenial atmosphere for people under the influence of alcohol.

The college was shifted to the present location in 1999 and organization could not do anything for the people living behind the college for more than a decade. The time line of the college clearly shows how it has reached the present position. It has been a couple of years that the college has started its moral social responsibility.

Since long, college started a Weaving Training Centre by engaging a few local weavers. Presently, three weavers ( Mrs. Niru Gogoi , Mrs. Dulu Gogoi and Mrs Boby Gogoi) have reached such a position that they can train students and earn a few thousand rupees from the sale of the products trainees produce.

It has been a sincere endeavor of the college to engage qualified local villagers in and around the college. There have been (1) Sada Chutia from Nowjan Village (Asstt. Librarian: sanctioned post) (2) Jitu Gogoi (Grade-IV employee: sanctioned post) (3) Dip Gogoi (presently engaged as a Grade-IV employee) (4) Monuranjan Gogoi (presently engaged as a Grade-IV employee) and college always employs local wage earners whenever college needs.

Leaving aside bread and butter to a few, college pays attention to health and sanitation of the villagers. Women Cell of the college organized various meetings / workshops to make the villagers aware of the unhygienic conditions they live in. They were made aware of harmful results of open defecation and prepared list of villagers without toilets. The list was submitted to the District administration for necessary action. Anyway, present government has provided toilets to every house.

College has organized many free health checkup camps and distributed free medicines to elderly villagers. During Covid-19 pandemic, the NSS Unit made awareness campaign and distributed hand sanitizers and face masks to the villagers. The staff members distributed food materials to the covid affected families.

The introduction of COVID-19 vaccine is a major step towards reducing the spread of the pandemic and further reducing the associated disease and deaths. The COVID-19 vaccine introduction is the world's largest vaccination drive and roll out requires planning at various levels. To fulfil the objective, NSS Unit of the college in collaboration with Kheluwa Block Hospital authority vaccinated about 180 people of Nowjan – Darikapar area.

To ensure compliance of Aadhaar Act by all individual and agencies in letter and spirit: the NSS Unit of the college in collaboration with an Adhar Enrolment Centre carried out a programme for Adhar Registration of the poor people of Darikapar Nowjan Village.

  1. 77 nos. of people successfully completed Adhar Registration on 07 & 08 Augt’ 2021.
  2. 35 nos. of people successfully completed Adhar Registration on 04 & 05 Oct’2021

College has left no stone unturned to help the rural villagers of Nowjan area. Repaired even the muddy roads of the village with the help of students. Within its capacity, college donated 300 cum sand gravels and repaired the road behind the college. Plantation in both sides of the village road on various occasions by the college has become a practice.

Needs of the college know no bounds. College is in dire need of financial aid to fulfill its infrastructural strategic plan. Only in 2013, 12 nos. of teaching posts have been provincialized and 8 nos. in 2021 leaving 11 more posts as unprovincialised ones. In spite of all the above hurdles, college does not lag behind in addressing the needs of the people in and around the College.



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