On completion of the course, the students will be able to1. describe the modern concept, aims, functions and role of education. 2. describe the role of Philosophy in Education. 3. explain the basic tenants of the given Indian and Western Philosophies and their influence in Education. 4. appraise the contribution of the given philosophers in the domain of education.
On completion of the course, the students will be able to: 1. Explain the concept, approaches and theories of educational sociology. 2. Illustrate Social Aspects, Social Processes and role of Education. 3. Explain the role of Education in Social Change and Development. 4. Describe various Social Groups and their Education 5. Explain different Political Ideologies and their bearings on Education.
On completion of the course, the students will be able to: 1. Explain the concept, nature, scope and uses of psychology in Education. 2. Explain the influence of growth and development in education. 3. Describe the meaning, concept, variables, types and theories of learning. 4. Discuss the concept and theories of intelligence and creativity. 5. Explain the meaning, concept, factors and theories of personality. 6. Describe the concepts of mental health and mental hygiene, measures of mental health in school.
On completion of the course, learners will be able to1. define the concept of Educational Management. 2. describe the types of management and modern trends of Educational management. 3. define the concept of educational leadership 4. explain the principles of educational leadership Page14 5. describe the styles of leadership and its implication in educational leadership. 6. define the concept of educational planning and its importance 7. analyze the role and importance of educational supervision 8. suggest measures to ensure quality in educational management.
After completion of the Course, the students will be able to1. describe the contribution of the given philosophers in the domain of education 2. explain the relevance of the educational thought of the given philosophers.
On completion of the course, the students will be able to: 1. explain the meaning, nature, scope, need and types of measurement and evaluation in education. 2. describe the meaning of psychological tests, their characteristics and process of construction. Page21 3. describe some specific tools to measure achievement, intelligence, personality and aptitude. 4. describe the meaning and nature of different statistical measures. 5. use statistics in measurement and evaluation in education.
On completion of the course, the students will be able to : 1. explain the concept, scope and need of Experimental psychology. 2. conduct and report of psychological experiments. 3. describe the meaning and nature of memory, Immediate memory, memory span and its related practical. 4. explain the concept of attention, span of attention and its related practical. 5. explain the concept, theories and methods of learning and its related practical. 6. state the concept of personality, different techniques of personality testing and its related practical. 7. state the concept of intelligence, historical background of intelligence testing and its related practical.
On completion of the course, the students will be able to: 1. explain the concept of education in the context of Indian heritage. 2. describe the education in ancient India, particularly Vedic Education and Buddhist Education. 3. critically examine the education system in Medieval India. 4. evaluate the education system during British period with special emphasis on the commissions and committees.
On completion of the course, the students will be able to: 1. explain the meaning and nature of teaching. 2. describe the principles of teaching and learning. 3. describe the role of teacher at different phases of teaching. 4. explain the importance of planning lessons in teaching-learning process. 5. describe the concept of teaching skills and the stages of microteaching cycle. 6. state the objectives of teaching different subjects in Elementary and Secondary levels. 7. describe different methods and approaches of teaching.
On completion of the course, the students will be able to: 1. demonstrate a few teaching skills in classroom. 2. integrate the teaching skills in real classroom situations. 3. prepare lesson plans for Microteaching and Practice teaching.
On completion of the course, the students will be able to: 1. describe the concept, nature and components of Educational Technology 2. distinguish between Educational technology and Instructional Technology 3. apply ICT in teaching learning 4. describe the concept, components and characteristics of communication 5. demonstrate the skills of effective communication 6. apply Models of teaching, personalized system of instruction, programmed learning in teaching learning.
On completion of the course, the students will be able to: 1. describe the educational scenario at the time of Independence 2. explain the roles of various Commissions and Committees in the development of education in post independent India. 3. describe the recent educational developments in India.
On completion of the course, the students will be able to : 1. explain the meaning and definition, nature, scope and purpose of comparative education. 2. describe the factors influencing in national system of education. 3. describe the methods of comparative education. 4. explain the organization, administration, objectives and examination systems of the countries. 5. describe the vocational and teacher education of different countries, specially UK, USA, India and Japan. 6. explain the open education in world perspective.
On completion of the course, the students will be able to 1. explain the need of constitutional provisions for education, and the role of constitution in equalizing educational opportunities in the diverse Indian Society. 2. identify the challenges of Indian education at different levels and suggest measures to overcome these. 3. define the new perspectives of education such as Environmental education, Inclusive education, Gender education, Inclusive education, Adult education, Human right education, Value education, population education etc. 4. critically examine and evaluate the initiatives taken by Government of India through various plans and policies to counter the challenges of Indian education. 5. explain the political influences on the national education system. 6. analyze the role of international agencies in development of education.
On completion of the Course, students will be able to: 1. explain the significance of a study of childhood and adolescence today. 2. describe the developmental changes of childhood and adolescence. 3. summarize the effect of family dynamics on child and adolescent development 4. explain the significance of the role of society in monitoring and guiding young children in their proper development.
On completion of the course, the students will be able to : 1. describe meaning, nature, purpose and scope of guidance and counselling. 2. describe the characteristics and functions of guidance and counselling. 3. state the basic principles of guidance and counselling. 4. explain the types and areas of guidance and counselling. 5. use various tools and techniques of guidance in appropriate context. 6. explain the qualities and role of a counsellor.
On completion of the course, the students will be able to : 1. explain the concepts of values and value education. 2. describe the importance of value education in the 21st century. 3. describe the need of values in creating a better world. 4. explain the promotion of value through education.
On completion of the course, the students will be able to: 1. explain the concept of special education, integrated education, and inclusive education. 2. discuss the global and national commitments towards the education of children with diverse needs. 3. appreciate the need for promoting inclusive practice and the roles and responsibilities of all concerned personnel. 4. analyse critically the recommendations of various commissions and committees towards teacher preparation for inclusive education. 5. describe the nature of difficulties encountered by children and in preparing conducive teaching learning environment in inclusive schools. 6. identify existing support services for promoting inclusive practice. 7. describe the policy perspectives related to education of socially disadvantaged section in India. 8. describe the schemes and programmes for education of socially disadvantaged groups
On completion of the course, the students will be able to : 1. explain the need and importance of understanding the concepts of mental health and hygiene in the emerging society. 2. empathize with people having psychological and maladjustment problems. 3. describe the role of different agencies of society and their impacts on the development of an individual’s personality. 4. describe the various components of positive psychology and its significance in the teaching learning processes. 5. integrate yoga in their day-to-day lives for holistic health.
On completion of the course, the students will be able to: 1. explain the meaning, definition, nature, scope, theories and constitutional perspectives of human rights. 2. describe the concept, objectives, principles, need and curriculum, of human rights education. 3. describe methods and activities of teaching human right education. 4. describe the factors promoting human right education. 5. describe the basics of human rights education i.e. societal, political, regionalism and limitations of its 6. explain the role of different agencies of human rights education
On completion of the course, students will be able to1. describe the meaning, scope and importance of Economics of Education 2. define and illustrate the concepts used in economics of Education. 3. examine the historical development of Economics of Education. 4. explain the concept of Education as a good, demand and supply of education, Utility of Education etc. 5. explain the concept of investment in education, return on investment in education, education as production process etc. 6. explain the concepts of different types of Educational cost. 7. examine the concepts of human capital formation, Education financing, Educational Planning etc.
On completion of the course, the students will be able to: 1. explain the meaning and nature of gender and its related terms. 2. describe the gender biases and gender inequality in family, school and society. 3. describe the gender issues related to school education. 4. analyse the laws and policies related to gender equality.
After completion of this course, the student will be able to : 1. explain the process of conducting a Project. 2. identify the problems for Educational Project. 3. solve problems faced in educational field through project. 4. prepare a project report.
M.A., M. Phill.
Assistant Professor (HOD)
Assistant Professor
M.A., M. Phill.
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
Examination Form Fill-up BA. 2nd & 4th Semester (F
Examination Form Fill-up BA. 2nd & 4th Semester...
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