Analyze various source materials of Indian History from ancient to modern times with progressive developments of Indian society in the social, political, economic and cultural arena.
Analyze different source materials of History of Assam from ancient to modern era with developments in the fields- social, political, economic and cultural.
Understand the evolution of humankind Social and cultural pattern of ancient and medieval world.
Analyze the political and economic development of various states/countries of Europe and their role in European politics.
Analyze the status of Indian women from ancient to modern age and their role in society.
Understand the Environment History as a branch of History.
Understand the land and people of the United States of America and its political and economic developments from the last quarter of the eighteen century till Second World War.
The objective of this course is to analyse the various source materials for the reconstruction of Ancient Indian History and approaches of historical reconstruction. The students will be acquainted with the various ancient cultures, the technological, economic, political and religious development of the period concerned.
The students will be acquainted with the evolution of humankind, the beginning of food production, the Bronze age, advent of iron, the slave society in ancient Greece, the economy and the political culture of the ancient Greece.
The objective of this paper is to give a general outline of the history of Assam from the 13th century to the occupation of Assam by the East India Company in the first quarter of the 19th century. It aims to acquaint the students with the major stages of developments in the political, social and cultural history of the state during the most formative period.
(i) The objective of this course is to acquaint the students with agrarian economy, the growth of urban centres in northern and central India and the Deccan as well as craft production, trade routes and coinage.
(ii) Varna, Jati, Gender, Marriage and Property Relations, process of state formation and the Mauryan and post-Mauryan polities with special reference to the Kushanas, Satvahanas and Gana-Sanghas , Land grants, land rights and peasantry, urban decline.
(iii) Gupata Empire and Post –Gupata Polities and the Religion Philosophy and Society, Circa 300 BCE – CE 750.
(i) The learners will be acquainted with the Roman Empire, slave society, the culture and trade.
(ii) Economic development in Europe from 7th to 14th C covering production , Technological Developments , Growth of Town and Trade.
The objective of this paper is to acquaint the students with the general outline of the history of India from the known earliest times to the coming of the Mughals to India in the first quarter of the 16th century. It is aimed at giving them a comprehensive idea of the developments in all spheres of life during this period.
(i) The students will acquire knowledge about the sources for the reconstruction of early medieval Indian history.
(ii) Information regarding political structure and social and religious institutions.
(iii) The agrarian structure and social change of the period under study
(iv) Trade and commerce, guilds and process of urbanisation
The students will be acquainted with
(i) The transition from feudalism to capitalism.
(ii) The voyages to the new world, the Renaissance
(iii) The religious Reformation
(iv) The 16th century economic developments
(v) The emergence of European state system
The learners will gather information regarding
(i) The sources, vernacular histories and epigraphy
(ii) The various dynasties ruling Delhi
(iii) Emergence of Bahmani kingdom and vijayanagar Empire.
(iv) The social and economic developments, the religion, society and culture during the late medieval India.
This paper aims to acquaint the students with the general course of events in the field of political, social, cultural and economic affairs in India from the foundation of the Mughal Empire in 1526 till independence in 1947.
(i) This paper will help the students to know about the 17th
century European crisis, The English Revolution
(ii) The Scientific development from 15th to 17th
century, growth of mercantilism
(iii) End of absolute monarchy and growth of Parliamentary
(iv) The American and Industrial Revolution.
(i) The students will have information regarding the Persian sources and vernacular literary traditions
(ii) The growth and consolidation of the Mughal Empire
(iii) Mughals policies in the North West Frontier and the Deccan
(iv) Land rights and revenue system, agriculture, trade under the Mughals.
(v) Political and religious ideas of the period concerned.
(i) The learners will have an idea about the various sources and historiography of the Mughal period
(ii) Expansion of the Mughal rule, the sufi orders
(iii) Aurangzeb’s religious policy, religious institutions, decline of the Mughal Empire, growth of regional polities and state formation under the Rajputs and the Marathas
(iv) 18th century Debate
(v) Trade, craft, monetary and market system, urban centres and Indian Ocean trade networks
The objective of this paper is to acquaint the students with the major developments in European politico-economic scenario since the Renaissance till the end of the French Revolution.
On completion of the Course, students will be able to: 1. explain the significance of a study of childhood and adolescence today. 2. describe the developmental changes of childhood and adolescence. 3. summarize the effect of family dynamics on child and adolescent development 4. explain the significance of the role of society in monitoring and guiding young children in their proper development.
The objective of this course is to help the students
(i) To be acquainted with the various factors that led to the French Revolution of 1789
(ii) The art and culture of the Revolution
(iii) The restoration of royal dynasties, the radical movements, the evolution of the social classes, industrialisation, the First World War and administrative reorganisation in Italy and Germany
(i) The paper tries to examine the transition of India into a colonial domain of the British and also show that
(ii) This transition was not unilineal as the Colonial State had to face resistance from the natives
The objective of this paper is to give a general outline of the history of Assam from the 13th century to the occupation of Assam by the English East India Company in the first quarter of the 19th century. It aims to acquaint the students with major stages of developments in the political, social and cultural history of the state during the most important formative period
The course aims at acquainting the students with the socio-political and economic developments in Assam during the colonial regime. It also deals with the growth of Nationalism and the role of the provinces in the National Movement for independence.
(i) The paper will endeavour to highlight the growth of Indian Nationalism and National Movement for freedom. In this connection it will highlight the responses of the various sections of the people
(ii) It will also describe the initial transition from the Colonial to the post-Colonial era.
The objective of this course is to acquaint the students with
(i) Liberal Democracy, Working Class Movements and Socialism in the 19th and 20th centuries
(ii) Crisis of Feudalism in Russia and Experiments in Socialism
(iii) War and Crisis: c. 1880-1939 and
(iv) Post 1919 Political Developments, Cultural and Intellectual Developments since c. 1850
The objective of this course is to acquaint the students with
(i) The development of caste, social classes and occupational groups in Ancient Assam, the religious beliefs and practices
(ii) Land grant, trade, society, the neo-vaishnavite movement, patriarchy, satra institutions
(iii) Agriculture and trade in medieval Assam, the growth of modern education and role of the Missionaries, middle class, agriculture, tea industry and transport system in colonial Assam
This course will give
(i) An account of the colonisation and settlement in America
(ii) The American war of Independence, the features of the Constitution
(iii) The rule of the Federalists and Republicans, Monroe Doctrines, the Civil War
(iv) Industrialisation, Labour Movements, USA in World War I and II
The objective of this course is to introduce the students to the basis of the discipline of History and acquaint them to the understanding of its sources in their varied forms, contents, uses and analysis.
The objective of this paper is to give a general outline of the history of Assam from the 13th century to the occupation of Assam by the English East India Company in the first quarter of the 19th century. It aims to acquaint the students with the major stages of developments in the political, social and cultural history of the state during the medieval times.
The objective of this paper is to give a critical outline of the political history of Assam from the earliest times to its occupation by the English East India Company in the first quarter of the 19th century. It aims at acquainting the students with the major and significant stages of developments in the course of the history of the state of Assam since early time.
The course aims at acquainting the students with the main currents of the socio-political and economic developments in Assam during the colonial period.
The course aims at introducing the students to understanding the focus and aspects of changes and developments in the socio-political and economic life in Assam during the colonial period.
The objective of this course is to acquaint the students with the socio-economic history of ancient, medieval and colonial Assam. The development of caste system, religious beliefs, agriculture and land system, the social organisation, trade and commerce, various agricultural regulations, plantation economy, development of modern industries, transport system, education, the emergence of middle class, development of literature and press and growth of Public Associations will be analysed.
The objective of this paper is to acquaint the students with the major development in European politico-economic scenario since the Renaissance till the end of the French Revolution.
The paper intends to acquaint the students with the emergence of the state system in north India, the development of imperial state structure, the state formation in the Deccan and in South India in the early period. The paper will apprise the students with the changes and transformations in polity, economy and society in the early period and the cultural interactions of early India with the South-east Asian countries.
The objective of the paper is to acquaint the pupils with political development in India between 1200-1750. It requires the pupils to understand the states in medieval times, administrative apparatus and society, economy and culture of India in Pre-modern Period.
The objective of this paper is to acquaint the students with the general outline of the History of India from the known earliest times to the coming of the Mughals to India in the First quarter of the 16th C. It is aimed at giving them a comprehensive idea of the developments in all spheres of life during the period.
This paper tries to highlight the major factors that led to the establishment and consolidation of the British rule in India. It also tries to see the process of the growth of nationalist movement, which ultimately led to the end of the British colonial rule in the country.
The objective of this paper is to acquaint the students about the major trends and developments that took place in Europe which ushered in the Modern Age.
The objective of this paper is to acquaint the students with the major political developments in Europe from 1815-1945. This course aims to bring to the students and understanding of the courses of transition of the Modern Continent from Nation States to the Major Colonial Powers.
This paper intends to give the students an idea about Tourism in North-East India with special reference to the historical monuments and places of the north-eastern region of the country as heritage sites of the nation. It aims to acquaint them with the growing vocation of tourism as an industry and applicability of historical knowledge for its growth.
This paper aims to acquaint the students with the general course of events in the field of political, social, cultural and economic affairs in India from the foundation of the Mughal Empire in 1526 till independence in 1947.
This course intends to acquaint the students with the new discipline of ecological and environmental history. It intends to familiarize them with the relation between ecology and human civilisation with particular reference to post independence India. It also attempts to bring the pupils to the understanding of the social and economic conflicts emerging due to environmental factors.
The objective of this course is to describe the Feminist Movements, the key concepts in Women’s studies as well as sources for reconstructions of Women’s History. It will also describe the status of Women in Indian society during the Vedic and Medieval period. Further the Reform Movements as well as the role of women in India’s Freedom Struggle will be dealt with.
The objective of this course is to introduce the students to the significant historical changes in the socio-political and economic life in the world beginning with the 17th century European enlightenment to the coming of Globalisation.
The objective of this paper is to acquaint the students with the developments in Indian science and technology since early times in order to create in them an understanding of the country’s contributions towards the growth of scientific research and technological developments in the world.
The objective of this course is to describe the Feminist Movements, the key concepts in Women’s studies as well as sources for reconstructions of Women’s History. It will also describe the status of Women in Indian society during the Vedic and Medieval period. Further the Reform Movements as well as the role of women in India’s Freedom Struggle will be dealt with.
Assistant Professor (HOD)
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
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